
The Piano (and how to get started playing it)

Hey, I haven't posted in what, two months now? Yeah, I couldn't think of anything to write about and I was being lazy.   Yeah, I've decided that from now on, I'm gonna post every 2-3 days. So, the topic for the week: Playing the Piano.  I've been playing the piano since I was like 5 years old, and honestly, it's one of the most satisfying decisions I've made (or my mom did haha). I really enjoy playing the piano and it helps relieve a lot of stress or tension, and is really good for relaxing. Whenever I feel bored, I walk up to the piano and start playing. I usually play by ear, or by watching YouTube tutorials. Since I've been playing for around 8 years now, I can somewhat decipher how to play a song from listening to it, but that requires practice. So I recommend that you start with sheet music right off the bat. I didn't do this and now can't get a hang of notations and sheets, which is a pain since there are so many sheet music resources that

Hey there!

Hey! Yeah, you there! You must have scrolled pretty far to find this, hmmm? Anyways, hi! I'm armz and this is my blog, Ramblings of a Geek. Here I post blogs on anything and everything I find interesting.  Some of the things you could find here are game reviews, memes, jokes and discussions on obscure random stuff that absolutely no one cares about. So, let the journey begin!